Kitzmans Home Center offers one-time deals on products that were special order returns, mistaken orders or have been discontinued. Most items are in perfect condition, and others may have a dent or scratch. It's a great opportunity to get the products you need, offered at a discounted price.
New products are being added each week.
Please call the store for availability and more information on these items and more.

Wooden Door Slab with Versailles Etched Glass
Only $150.00 (sold as is)
2’6” x 6’8” beautiful 1-3/8” wooden door slab with Versailles etched glass; pre-stained dark brown (can be painted).
6-panel Steel Entry Door
6-panel Steel Entry Door - 2’10” x 6’8” single bore; left hand; outswing
Fiberglass 1-Lite Door
Fiberglass 1-Lite Door – 3’0” x 6’8”; single bore; left hand
* Many other “leftover doors” available at bargain basement prices! Let us know your size and swing and we might just surprise you with a great deal… No reasonable offer refused!